Are you under 18
and want to get
for requirements
Aftercare- Piercings Above the Neck
Suggested Cleaning Products
    Medicated liquid antimicrobial/germicidal soap, such as Satin or Provon is strongly
suggested, available at Mystical Body. Antibacterial soaps that are color and fragrant free
may work, but are not as effective, and considered inferior. Scented and colored soaps
should be avoided. Never use alcohol or peroxide to clean piercings.
    An alternative to cleaning solutions can be Non-iodized sea salt soaks (1/4 teaspoon
dissolved in 8 ounces of warm distilled water). The sea salt MUST be measured if this
alternative is to be used.
Cleaning Instructions
1) Wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and warm water before touching your
piercing. This is very important to avoid most infections.
2) Soak piercing with warm water to soften any dried and crusty matter around piercing and
jewelry. Never pick off crusty matter with fingernails.
3) Apply small amount of cleaning solution to piercing and jewelry, gently rotating the jewelry
back and forth through the piercing a few times to work the solution into the piercing.
4) Allow solution to remain in contact with the piercing for at least 30 seconds, preferably
one minute.
5) Rinse the piercing thoroughly under warm running water, gently rotating the jewelry back
and forth again to rinse the solution out the inside of the piercing.
6) Gently pat dry with a disposable paper product.
7) Check threaded jewelry to be certain ends are tight. Threaded ends tighten in a clockwise
8) Do not touch until next cleaning time.
9) Clean piercing twice daily during entire initial healing time.
10) Any piercing question or concern, contact Mystical Body immediately
What is Normal
    A whitish-yellowish fluid may secrete from your piercing, which crusts on your jewelry and
the surrounding tissue, this is normal. The fluid indicates a healing piercing. Slight bleeding,
bruising, discoloration, and tenderness are also normal. Typically these symptoms will
subside within the first 1-2 weeks, and may be further minimized if you reduce your intake of
aspirin, alcohol, and caffeine.
Things to Avoid
DO NOT use alcohol, peroxide, or Betadine to clean your piercing, they are overly strong
and extremely drying to the tissue, which slows the healing process.
DO NOT apply additional ointments to the piercing, such as Neosporin, Bacitracin, triple
antibiotics, etc., because they prevent oxygen from reaching your piercing and the sticky
residue can collect dirt and germs.
DO NOT touch your fresh piercing with unwashed hands.
DO NOT allow oral contact with your fresh piercing.
DO NOT expose your fresh piercing to hair spray, body spray, perfume, lotions, cosmetics,
DO NOT expose your fresh piercing to bodies of water, such as a pool, jacuzzi, lake, river,
ocean, etc., unless covered with a breathable yet waterproof bandage, such as a Tegaderm
patch, available at Mystical Body.
DO NOT overclean your fresh piercing. Simply clean twice daily.
Helpful Hints
    An anti-inflammatory product, such as Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc.), can help reduce
possible swelling and discomfort.
    An ice pack wrapped in a disposable paper product and placed over the piercing for 20
minutes can also help reduce possible swelling and discomfort.
    Try sleeping with your head elevated above your heart to minimize swelling even more.    
Make sure your bedding is clean and changed frequently.
Wear clothes that are clean, comfortable, and made of a breathable fabric in the area of
your fresh piercing.
    To aid your body against infection and heal more rapidly, get plenty of rest, reduce your
stress level, and maintain a nutritious diet. Taking a multi-vitamin mineral supplement that
contains zinc and vitamin C may boost your body's healing abilities. Remember, the healthier
you are, the faster your piercing will heal.
    If your jewelry must come out for a short period of time, we suggest using a piercing
retainer, available at Mystical Body.
    Each body is unique, and healing times can vary greatly, yet with care and patience, your
new piercing can give you a lifetime of pleasure.
    Mystical Body is dedicated to professional piercing, so if you have a question or concern,
feel free to ask.
Daith piercing with
18g CBR 3/8"
Eyebrow Piercing
16g Curve 5/16"
Rook Piercing
Navel Retainer
Eyebrow Retainer